Join Les Craig for a day of fishing in the cool, refreshing waters near Gold Beach Oregon. The pristine river is home toSportfishing hot spots that will provide you with top quality seafood - including salmon and steelhead! You can enjoy up-to 4 people per trip on our 21 ft Boice Jet Boat all bait provided plus tackle - meaning everyone gets an exciting outdoor adventure while they're here too!.
A great way celebrate any occasion during April through October when these fish are running deep under tough sturdy rocks at mouth.
Gold Beach Oregon Fishing

Rogue River Fishing Trips

Gold Beach Oregon Fishing
You'll never forget your first bottom fish! Our 26ft Striper Ocean Charter boat will get you to the fishing grounds in minutes and we provide all bait or tackle for an excellent day on the water. There are plenty of other species that call this area home too - from Lingcod (best during springtime), Black Rockfish & Even larger game such as halibut, salmon etc., so don't wait any longer before setting out with us; It could be just what is needed afterall those heavy meals at Thanksgiving
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